Tuesday 22 July 2014

What Could Cause Anemia

I work as an accountant, I have a small firmička, which serves a dozen sites. I love my work and every day run to the Bank to the IRS, to help these people who are on the verge of bankruptcy. I'm with them and I don't know if it's that or something else, but suddenly began to be sick. Even once I almost lost my mind and it becomes increasingly difficult to climbing stairs. I went to my private doctor and he diagnosed my anemia. My ink tablets currently drink, and feel that my condition is improving. I turn to you asking you to tell us more about this disease. What can cause the kidneys, the heart, etc.

Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin, decreases. The reasons for the occurrence of this condition are many. Any disease, any infection or bleeding, that attack the red blood cells, can lead to anemia. Normal life of red blood cells, which are formed in the bone marrow, it is usually around 120 days. Any premature extinction of a large part of these cells is at the base of each anemia. For now, medical science has confirmed more than 400 types of anemia, which are divided into three groups:
-anemia caused by loss of blood;

anemia caused by reduced or defective production of red blood cells;
anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells.


As I have already said, the reasons for the occurrence of anemia are different. The most common of them is blood loss, which occurs when an injury with bleeding ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Blood is lost during the varicose veins of the esophagus, when abortion, childbirth or other gynecological disorders in heavy bleeding from the nose, at hemorrhoids etc. This is the so-called.


When it is not severe, it is not dangerous. After stopping the bleeding quickly recovers lost blood. When a large blood loss, however, the patient can go into severe shock State, which is a serious hazard to life.

It is good to do and a consultation with a dentist

to see if there is some kind of abscess in the oral cavity and from there come problems. Small Granuloma of teeth also can lead to chronic urticaria and flat lichen. There were such cases in practice. Must be examined and urine tests to rule out inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. If there is one inflammatory process, seeding should be done to give a sterile urine to detect the germ. It is necessary for the patient to consult a specialist ENT. The main objective is to detect the cause. Even the survey for tuberculosis must be first, because in the last days and months the yellow guest is already back with such force that should not be overlooked as a possible cause. This disease is a problem worldwide.

-Brand was recently published information that cases of tuberculosis in significantly diminishing. Bulgarian You say something completely different!
-The strains of tuberculosis are very stubborn. As before there was a treatment for this disease, so it is now. The problems deepen. It is a disease of poor people. Not only that the cases do not diminish, rather, to me lately come many patients with cutaneous tuberculosis. Most of my colleagues forget to make testing for the presence of TB, and it turns out that it is precisely for this disease. I've had very severe allergic cases in which I saw the reason. In the beginning we thought that the patient may have tuberculosis. It's only after we've done all the research.

Are there alternative methods to engage in therapy?
-Acupuncture and x-ray therapy which only applies in a skin clinic, give very good results and I always include them in therapy. Of great importance for boosting immunity is the  treatment, which means

from the sea the patient immediately rode high in the mountains

So far, in Bulgarian only from countries in Europe, applies this method to improve the immune system. It achieves the effect and in chronic urticaria. And apply local treatment using corticosteroids.

On our reader can help, at least temporarily, to manage his illness to be able to solve the problem with your teeth?
-Lichen s in lining responds very difficult. May develop in the mouth and genitals, and in all other . Your reader should make his first full research.

-What tests should be performed?
-First you need to make a differential diagnosis, to exclude possible disorders that cause red flat lichen. These are: secondary syphilis in which  is made mandatory, and tuberculosis. Make and complete blood tests, to see if it is not increased residue, whether somewhere in the inflammatory process.

Regard To The Diseases In Your Field

I can't find a place here for alternative medicine, particularly in malignant diseases. Many people ask us-can I take this or that? May, but has no effect. If you can talk to some effect, it is a very advanced cases, which adjoins the saving the world. When official medicine can't help take any other measures and activities, which are, however, paramedical and could endorse the patient for some time, nothing more.

Is there nothing to say about the new trends in treatment or in the prevention of diseases in your field?
-The latest has some connection with the popular the last time intervention on the chest, of which undergo Angelina Jolie. And in the us in the urology appear such a case. One of our colleagues, who met Dr. Roger Kirby, operates in London, perhaps for the first time in the world a man of 60, and several years with a mutation of a specific gene. When the gene is mutated, it inhibits the development of tumor processes in the body. When that person turns out that the gene is mutated, i.e. modified, and cannot perform this important function to inhibit the development of tumor processes. In addition, a family history of this patient showed relatives in direct line, who have had breast cancer and carcinoma of the prostate gland. In addition to prostate biopsy they found the tumor cells. And although all the professionals with whom they consulted, they told him that it was not necessary that there is not enough evidence to perform radical  he chose to undergo the operation. And it is carried out successfully.
What do you think? It's such a decision is justified?
Look, there are people who succumb to such suggestions. The man knows, for example, that his father has died from this, or his grandfather, his brother, etc. he knows that already has a mutation in one of the genes that are potential provocateurs for the development of this disease. Begins to think that one day he can develop the disease. Can you imagine this man to live every day with the thought that he'd get there, given that he had the opportunity ? This is a prophylactic radical protectorate. http://www.matthewscaloriecounter.com/forum/yaf_postsm491_Lemon-Helps-To-Lose-Weight.aspx#post491
It is a matter of choice, right? Won't hurt to such an intervention?
-Of the patient, which you mentioned, is not hurt. Such an operation is carried out in the West with 90 and a few percent guarantee for sexual function. The good thing is that the disease is not yet proven, is not stadirano, i.e. it is in super early stage. The gene is one that threatens to further health and it acts by that logic. And according to me is normal and logical to take such a decision.

It Turns Out That The Cause of Coma Is Another Keen

Yes, but it's hard to explain. Another important thing you did not mention is that in most cases the so-called.  reactions to problems that arose at birth, but manifest themselves when the child gets 5-6 months-just then, when doing vaccines. By then, everyone had forgotten about what happened at birth, the baby was born too quickly, it is not right that was born blue and etc. and suddenly it began to make seizures and very quickly is the "culprit"-vaccine. Here it is, that shouldn't happen.

Dr. Angel : new cases of measles have been "imported" from abroad

After emerging reports of several new cases of measles, and to bump the chickenpox and a summer flu, we have sought for comment and the State Chief Sanitary Inspector Dr. Angel . Here's what he said in brief about the epidemiological situation in the country to date.
Hi Dr. Daniel. Can you confirm that there is a bump chickenpox? And what is the epidemiological situation in the country at that time. Is there something very disturbing.
-It's a little far fetched to be called boom, but if we accept this wording, this boom is already wearing off. Yes, truly last and this year register more cases. But in our previous interview for the "doctor" I explained what is the reason for this-over a period of time to collect the contingent of children who get chickenpox and that there is nothing to fear. I can't give you the exact number right now, but as a whole after the April-May the cases began to decrease. This decreasing trend is present. And I will repeat again-let people not afraid, nothing to worry about it. I can say that and cases of dysentery and hepatitis are no more than last year, even less. On summer influenza-Yes, we're always in the statistics anyway because pass waves of respiratory infections. This is the so-called. summer flu. And in this respect is not something particularly noted-not as a burden or as a spread. Rather, our attention is directed to continue to monitor the Middle East
Two weeks ago we talked about the disease. What is the trend as a whole?
-Albeit slowly, continues to evolve. The cases became 55, as 37 patients of them died. They are registered in four European countries-except in France and England, appeared ill and in Italy and Germany. As I mentioned, continues, but who knows what kind of pace.

-In our previous conversation, said District health inspections have received the necessary recommendations. -What is undertaken in this respect?
-Like to do research. The colleagues need to know that you should explore, if they do occur cases with severe respiratory distress syndrome, obscure with pneumonia and respiratory failure. Of course, not mass, just to sharpen its focus in such situations.

How things stand with the infected by measles? Is there really a new 5 case?
Yes, this is true. I want to note that this case is typical. I have the following in mind-we "tabled" two infected. You're the first to learn about the second case, because literally we him yesterday.

One of them is a young man, rum, who works in Berlin and came here in Bulgarian, infect her four children, her mother and another child, contact with their family. The other case, a young man again, rum from the Nova. He works as a bartender in Istanbul, there is contact with sick, sick, he's here and infects 5-month-old baby. These are so far infected with measles. http://fitness.yuku.com/topic/17/master/1/#.U8ye60Bkncs
-How bad is this disease?
-Measles is generally severe, serious illness. Affects of immunity, is easily transmitted. For this reason we have made immunization of all contact, which we managed to track down. Unfortunately, that is a typical case. The man returns from Germany, illegal 's, lives in Sofia, sells cigarettes illegally somewhere on the women's market. These people have no directory listing, no j.p., their children don't attend kindergarten. IE does not in any way we can "catch" to get them into the system, unfortunately.
So as you listen, I get the impression that there is a danger of infection to other people?
I will probably increase the number of the infected, but in no event is a mass. We are trying in any way to control the infection do not emerge from this group. We are doing everything possible to make sure that doesn't happen. Unfortunately that infection with measles becomes the most easy and quick. So I quickly spread. It is enough to walk through the room of contagious sick and "catch" the disease. I want to reassure people that we are doing everything possible not to allow this.

Polinevrit Alcohol Affects The Nerves Of The Extremities

In fact, I usually go to Bender once a couple of years. But in two years when walking my legs quickly . The movement of the lower my limbs became spastic. My personal physician is of the opinion that I have alcohol. Is it possible to suffer from this disease after 10 years of membership in Alcoholics Anonymous, I'm almost a teetotaler? Although I don't drink, symptoms do not subside. Is this really ? Heal and how?

Polinevrit″t is a disease with many features-inflammatory, infectious, toxic, etc., which affects nerves symmetrically and attacking both motor and sensory fibers. The agents can be microbes or toxins, exogenous intoxication such as alcohol, lead, arsenic, etc.. It is possible that endogenous  such as diabetes, gout or want particularly of vitamin B1. alcohol symptoms vary depending on the affected nerves.  http://www.gardening-forums.com/threads/fruit-bush-tree-netting.1802/
In the beginning the disease manifests abruptly with a strong fever and general fatigue, but may proceed slowly and progressively. It is characterized by various forms of paralysis, atrophy, progressive disappearance of reflexes and loss of sensitivity. The duration of the disease depends on the development of the process. The therapy consists in the removal of any single reason, while using steroids, analgesics and vitamin B1 and B12 in high doses.

By the way:

Polinevrit alcohol usually has a mixed nature, locates in the lower extremities is frequent and occurs with strong pains in my legs from the knee down, and often is accompanied with mental disorders. It is possible to arise from abnormalities in short-term memory, confusion and hallucinations known as syndrome.