Tuesday 22 July 2014

Regard To The Diseases In Your Field

I can't find a place here for alternative medicine, particularly in malignant diseases. Many people ask us-can I take this or that? May, but has no effect. If you can talk to some effect, it is a very advanced cases, which adjoins the saving the world. When official medicine can't help take any other measures and activities, which are, however, paramedical and could endorse the patient for some time, nothing more.

Is there nothing to say about the new trends in treatment or in the prevention of diseases in your field?
-The latest has some connection with the popular the last time intervention on the chest, of which undergo Angelina Jolie. And in the us in the urology appear such a case. One of our colleagues, who met Dr. Roger Kirby, operates in London, perhaps for the first time in the world a man of 60, and several years with a mutation of a specific gene. When the gene is mutated, it inhibits the development of tumor processes in the body. When that person turns out that the gene is mutated, i.e. modified, and cannot perform this important function to inhibit the development of tumor processes. In addition, a family history of this patient showed relatives in direct line, who have had breast cancer and carcinoma of the prostate gland. In addition to prostate biopsy they found the tumor cells. And although all the professionals with whom they consulted, they told him that it was not necessary that there is not enough evidence to perform radical  he chose to undergo the operation. And it is carried out successfully.
What do you think? It's such a decision is justified?
Look, there are people who succumb to such suggestions. The man knows, for example, that his father has died from this, or his grandfather, his brother, etc. he knows that already has a mutation in one of the genes that are potential provocateurs for the development of this disease. Begins to think that one day he can develop the disease. Can you imagine this man to live every day with the thought that he'd get there, given that he had the opportunity ? This is a prophylactic radical protectorate. http://www.matthewscaloriecounter.com/forum/yaf_postsm491_Lemon-Helps-To-Lose-Weight.aspx#post491
It is a matter of choice, right? Won't hurt to such an intervention?
-Of the patient, which you mentioned, is not hurt. Such an operation is carried out in the West with 90 and a few percent guarantee for sexual function. The good thing is that the disease is not yet proven, is not stadirano, i.e. it is in super early stage. The gene is one that threatens to further health and it acts by that logic. And according to me is normal and logical to take such a decision.

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